Company Profile
INSPECTORATE's history dates back
to 12 years before the Second World War when a
small inspection office started a
quality control service.
When world business stabilized
itself after the war, a new team of experts in the different industrial
fields joined INSPECTORATE and in 1955 it was planned to work on a fully
international basis.
Over the years the business and the
number of, clients increased, and it became essential to expand the
organization by opening offices in different countries in order to look
after the interest of the growing number of clients who have shown their
appreciation of INSPECTORATE's services.
Development of the business made it
essential to have activities in almost every country
in the world and therefore reliable
agents or representatives were carefully
appointed to ensure effective and
economic control.
With its facilities and wide
international connections, and in order to fulfill the wish of some
clients, INSPECTORATE became active in the field of engineering and
technical consulting.