Inspectorate Lebanon

      International Inspection Office

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Company Profile

INSPECTORATE's history dates back to 12 years before the Second World War when a

small inspection office started a quality control service.

When world business stabilized itself after the war, a new team of experts in the different industrial fields joined INSPECTORATE and in 1955 it was planned to work on a fully international basis.

Over the years the business and the number of, clients increased, and it became essential to expand the organization by opening offices in different countries in order to look after the interest of the growing number of clients who have shown their appreciation of INSPECTORATE's services.

Development of the business made it essential to have activities in almost every country

in the world and therefore reliable agents or representatives were carefully

appointed to ensure effective and economic control.

With its facilities and wide inter­national connections, and in order to fulfill the wish of some clients, INSPECTORATE became active in the field of engineering and technical consulting.



Why you should request an Inspection Service from a reliable specialized Organization?

•   Inspection is an asset for both the client and the supplier/manufacturer. The psychological value alone is considerable as the Supplier/manufacturer and their employees realize that their work will be monitored by an expert who is independent in every sense of the Word

•   Due to frequent excessive stresses in manufacturing plants and notwithstanding internal works control, defects may easily creep in thus causing grave mistakes. This is why the appointment of an independent inspection expert is most important. He will conscientiously devote his entire efforts to ensure that the pur­chased commodity or contracted service is rendered in conformity with the client's requirements, also quality standards, as well as compliance with legislation and safety codes applicable to country of use. The results will be proved by a diminution of all kinds of risks particularly essential when subcontractors or sub-suppliers are involved.

•   The importance of independent inspection is frequently underestimated. We are certain that you, as the client, will appreciate the value of a third party to look after your interests thereby reducing the risk of material and equipment not being in conformance with specified requirements. The cost involved for this additional safeguard is only a fraction of equipment and capital cost and could result in substantial saving of time on site and in particular the inherent expenses involved in replace­ment of items etc. All inspections costs associated with replacement equipment should be the responsibility of the supplier. The client will only bear such costs associated with normal inspection procedures for equipment/material accepted by INSPECTORATE.

For the client it is highly reassuring to be in possession of the certificate of an independent inspection organization such as INSPECTORATE.

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Copyright © 2003 Inspectorate-Lebanon (CR: 21488/1240 Date: 3/11/1972)

This site was last updated 06/11/03